Happy Birthday George Raft!

George Raft was born on September 26, 1895, 127 years ago today. Over a fifty-year career, IMDB lists 88 credits in his filmography including a record seven features in which he played himself. He has an additional 48 credits as himself in other appearances. He was a movie and television producer and was awarded two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, an honor matched by fewer than one hundred people in the entire history of the entertainment industry.

George was a remarkable man who went from being a kid on the mean streets of New York City to the height of international fame hobnobbing with presidents and royals, as well as the biggest stars of the day. In fact, he was one of them. Off screen, he was a stylish gentleman famed for his gambling and prowess. On screen, he convincingly played a variety of lead roles from dancer to tough guy to hard-boiled detective often flipping a coin and usually getting the girl. George was a good guy in real life and wanted audiences to see that in the characters he portrayed. At that, he was very successful.

“His range was limited. He always played George Raft, but that character – there was no other like it – always evoked a sympathetic response and identification from a mass audience.” – Edward G. Robinson, Source: Lewis Yablonsky, “George Raft” (1974).

Many of his films have been lost to contemporary audiences, but you can view dozens of them from the movies section at GeorgeRaft.com.

The Controversy Over George Raft’s Birth Year

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